A recent message I posted on my Discord server:
Hey everyone,
I want to start this long post by saying THANK YOU for continuously spreading love on this server, during these streams, to your friends and family, and to all those affected by the BLM movement. At least in this discord server we have many different races from many different walks of life, supporting many different ideas and having many different sexual orientation/preferences- THE ABSOLUTE POINT is that we are a community and we are all here for each other no matter what. I’ve witnessed a few people bicker during my streams or even on this channel. Families do that. All I ask is if you don’t agree AT LEAST understand. Your opinion will never be better- your opinions are yours and theirs are theirs.
The House of Dang is a house of love and unity.
I know it’s a little difficult to post anything outside of the current movement for potential insensitivity, but with all the riots, looting, police brutality, and all that happening out there- I hope my streams/server can be one small platform for us to step away from it at least for a bit. It’s a mad world out there right now, and as much as I believe you need to do what YOU believe in- I also want you all to stay safe, whether it be indoors after a nap, or driving home after work.
Some people want to watch the world burn- and we here at the House of Dang ain’t about that life.
Stand united and stay safe. Love each other or gtfo.
Feel free to join my Discord server “House of Dang” by clicking here!