
2016 has been a great year for me. I’ve met so many new people, most of which I’m proud to call my friends. My band and I have worked hard all year writing and performing. We finally dipped into the states for our first US tour, which was a massive learning experience for all of us. We released material that, for the first time, we were confident enough to promote and show people. In 2016 much has happened to me on a personal and emotional level. From them I’ve really grown to becoming closer to the Tyson I’m meant to be.

It’s truly liberating to finally live as an adult. It feels great to not have somebody remind me that I haven’t achieved anything in my life. It feels great to not have somebody constantly judging my lifestyle and comparing it to others; to belittle me in front of everybody, to show no support or belief in me while asking for the world. A weight has been lifted off my back and the poison has been drained from my veins. For the first time in over many year5, I’m alive again and stronger than I’ve ever been.

I want to thank everybody I’ve interacted with this year. You’ve contributed to a better me and in one way or another taught me something about life- why we’re all here and why we’re meant to know each other. Here’s to 2017!