Anxiety is Her Name

Anxiety is her name
And she is pulling me towards her
A time that once existed
And a time that may not arrive
Her name holds my throat
And holds my eyes
And holds my thoughts
I can’t escape her
Because I am waiting
I am waiting for this to end
I am waiting for familiarity
I am waiting
To be let down

Anxiety are her actions
And they are keeping me awake
A touch that once I knew
Is far beyond my reach
All I can do is wish

Anxiety are her words
And they are all I have
I cannot see her
I cannot hear her
I cannot feel her
But I can dream of her
Whether I want to or not
She is there
She is always there

Anxiety is the person
I love
And I messed it up
And I blame myself
And I can’t recover
And I wish
For the best

Anxiety is believing
That paths will converge
That destiny is real
That hard work pays off
That I will get what I want
I want
To believe

Anxiety is her name
And to speak it hurts
And to spell it hurts
And to think it hurts
Everything hurts
Because I really
Miss her