Valentine’s Day 2019

My dearest Fiancé,It doesn’t matter what time of the day,Or what day of the year,It doesn’t matter how little I saw you yesterday,Or how much I will see you tomorrow,You will always be the best thing to happen in my life,And the most beautiful soul I’ve ever met,You’ll never understand how happy you’ve made me,Or …

Laws of Love

Unique moments in life are always best experienced with another person. I often argue that the “another person” would be well-suited as either your best friend or your significant other. They’ll usually be the same person- or at least they should be! The ultimate end goal in any relationship is to both find and live …

2017 In Review

My last post was in August. Let me explain why: It’s incredibly easy for me to say 2017 has been the most enduring, yet rewarding year I have ever experienced. The year began travelling to Chicago minutes after the countdown. It was a one-day layover that eventually carried me to Asia, where I spent two …

Haiku 07: Hug

Amidst confusion “Aren’t you going to hug me?” And all becomes clear


Everyday I’m losing. Dwindling, waning, unbecoming. I feel like I’ve lost so much, even when I haven’t gained anything. I wake up wondering where the turning point was and how did I get there. I wake up deciding if I should call in sick from work- it sure felt that way. Someone so empty, just …

The Wanderer Tour: Part X

Every beginning has an end. The afternoon in our hotel was spent eating pizza and watching Family Guy, I think a few of them went to the gym downstairs. It was the last show of our US tour, and a clearly somber tone had blanketed some moments of the day. Every time somebody started to …

The Wanderer Tour: Part IX

We woke up to a large breakfast and happy faces. It was Thanksgiving in Canada and for the first time we spent it, not only outside the appropriate country, but together as two bands! Before parting ways, Jordyn’s mother took a large group photo of us using Jessie’s camera. A great moment was watching Jessie …

The Wanderer Tour: Part VIII

This was an unforgettable day. I woke up to the sound of laughter and the smell of freshly-made breakfast. Kenny’s mother had prepared a massive meal for all of us. The signature item of the meal were her egg and cheese Pork Rolls (Taylor Ham, by some New Jersey folks). They were absolutely worth dying …

The Wanderer Tour: Part VII

I woke up to the noise of somebody playing the electric drums upstairs. I thought it was Jordyn but when I went upstairs I found out Brad (guitarist for HH) was also a drummer, and a surprisingly good one as well! Everybody was lounging around either in the basement having conversations or hanging at the …

The Wanderer Tour: Part VI

If I had to pinpoint the moment things started to dip into insanity, I’d easily say it started in Washington, Virginia. But first I forgot to mention Dom and I, Jordyn and Brad got really drunk in the Walmart parking lot after our Baltimore show. Dom is a loud drunk and was telling the history …