2017 In Review

My last post was in August. Let me explain why: It’s incredibly easy for me to say 2017 has been the most enduring, yet rewarding year I have ever experienced. The year began travelling to Chicago minutes after the countdown. It was a one-day layover that eventually carried me to Asia, where I spent two …


2016 has been a great year for me. I’ve met so many new people, most of which I’m proud to call my friends. My band and I have worked hard all year writing and performing. We finally dipped into the states for our first US tour, which was a massive learning experience for all of …


You’ve been through a lot in your life. Raising a large family was never an easy task but you did it. Next to mother, you’re the strongest woman I’ve had in my life. You’ve been assaulted by thugs, you’ve fallen down stairs, you’ve fractured bones, and you still manage to continue smiling for the family. …

Mune 2

I’ve tried to be nice to you, But I’ve never heard her cry like that before tonight. l’ll never forgive you.


I hate seeing her cry. I used to be the reason why tears ran down her cheek. I always saw her face when she cried, so much that I’d become accustomed to it. That face was never pretty on her but I had to see it.  From afar, I’m watching her talking to a friend …


I’m lucky to have such a loving and supportive friend. We’ve seen each other at our worst and our best. Even overseas she’s able to guide me out of the forest. A few weeks ago I told her about the heartache and emotions I was going through. What she responded that day really struck a …


Normally something like this would be listed under [poetry]. However, this isn’t an original piece of mine but rather a modified lyric from the song “575” by Japanese girl band Perfume. Currently, this is the best way I can express myself. 会えなくて 気持ちはどこにあるのかな 会いたくて でも打つ文字が見つからない この距離が すぐに縮まればいいのに 不機嫌なガール キミになんて送ればいいの?

Is It Over Yet?

I’ve been fighting some inner demons for a while now. For anybody that’s been reading my “blog” and keeping abreast with my entries I’d like to first and foremost thank you for sharing your time and reading about my life. It should be of no significance towards your life and I do not expect sympathy …

It’s Never Easy

This isn’t the first time writing about this, but I must reiterate and stress over the detail that I really suck at saying goodbye- almost to a point I hate them. Most recently, a friend named Melody who I’ve held dearest to my heart had returned for a visit. I was most excited to see …

A Progression of Time

Time is moving. It can’t be held back, pushed forward, obtained or lost. Whether or not you like it, time progresses without you. It took me a while to realize I can’t get back what I want. I can’t go to a place in time where I was happy, where I was comfortable, and more …