
It is unreasonably uncanny what I do to myself when I’m deep in thought. 9 months ago she left and to this day it still burns to know I can’t align the contours of my arms around her body. We were perfectly sculpted for each other. Reoccurring dreams, not of an event but of a …

Taking the Plunge

Age becomes the bane. As we grow older, we tend to experience a loss in availability, productivity and even mobility. Life gets in the way and we lose our drive to pursue the passion projects we’ve humbly set for ourselves. In most cases we become too dependent on the job we’ve buried our heads in …

The Beauty of Friendship

There is no arrangement of words more powerful in this modern universe than the phrase we use when parting ways: “Keep in touch”. I’ve always found this commonly used idiom to be poetry within itself; it’s the parting words we speak when we plan to, for the most part, remain in contact with the person …

We’re All Wanderers

We all belong somewhere; whether it’d be at home, with another person, or even a moment in time. It’s the feeling of instant gratification that separates us from each other as we fill the want/need of what we all lack in life: Life itself. But while we’re out purchasing products, exchanging words and feigning philanthropy, we lose track …